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Image by Katherine Hanlon
The Five Elements

What does acupuncture treat? Acupuncture utilizes fine sterile needles to create a local micro-trauma which causes the body to initiate an immune-modulating response. This response increases the circulation and production of endogenous opioids. Acupuncture is a cost-effective modality to reduce pain which inherently reduces doctor visits and medications. Acupuncture may also provide an excellent alternative to opioids in cases of chronic pain.  In a recent study  “454,920 patients were treated with acupuncture for headache, low back pain, and/or osteoarthritis” showing marked or moderate relief in 76% of the cases. The benefits of Acupuncture were shown to continue 12 months after treatment had ended in a follow-up study.  

What is Five Element Constitutional Acupuncture?

Also called Korean acupuncture, this traditional and unique medicine system is based on traditional Korean medicine (TKM) with a kindred base in traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) that has developed differently from the forms of Western medicine you are accustomed to.


Constitutional acupuncture treats every patient with a therapeutic remedy unique to the patient's constitution based on the specific way his or her organs affect health, living habits, and how he or she looks and behaves.


Our Individualized approach includes Saam, Taegeuk, Eight constitution, and Herbal acupuncture modalities, Each is based on the theory of constitutional energy traits and is able to assist in curing neurological disorders with analgesic effect.


How does acupuncture work? Acupuncture creates a shift in the body's state of balance. If you are a type that has difficulty relaxing, acupuncture can help create a shift in the nervous system. This shift may allow you to feel a parasympathetic response, the relax and digest state. While your body is responding to treatment in a relaxed state, balance is being restored. 

What Is Your Element?


Fire Element: The chief emotion is Joy. In pathology, this can look like anxiety, in a state of health it is propriety. The fire element is in charge of presence in the moment and connectedness. When this is in health we are able to connect in a healthy way in relationships with ourselves and others. Joy, laughter, and presence belong to the fire element. 


Earth Element: The chief emotion is sympathy. In health, the earth element is able to give and receive proper nourishment to self and others. The Earth element is thoughtful and empathic in a way that is not detrimental to itself. Stable and healthy earth is grounded and able to care for itself and those who may need it. 


Metal Element: The chief emotion is grief. The ability to properly grieve, let go, allows fresh energy to circulate. Metal elements seek value and essence. A healthy metal is able to exhale (let go) and inhale (take in) on the physical, mental, and spirit levels. Emotions appropriately come and go, value on the worth within is sought after versus placing excessive value on material attachment.


Water Element: The chief emotion is fear. The water element is about willpower and the resources and energy over the long term to accomplish deep-seated goals. In health, water is captivated and calmly utilized with wisdom to accomplish that which we set out to do. It is flexible when presented with obstacles and patient. Healthy water uses its energy and reserves thoughtfully and allows time for replenishment. 


Wood Element: The chief emotion is anger. The wood element is in charge of creative vision and planning. In health it is flexible and anger is tempered with forgiveness and benevolence. Healthy wood effectively and efficiently plans. In the community, this allows for creativity and planning for the good of others, without looking to pursue one's own personal growth regardless of those around. 


When Elements are in balance they tend more toward their virtue side rather than their imbalanced emotional side. Excessive joy of fire leads to propriety and presence. Overly sympathetic and those lacking sympathy for others tend toward empathy in balance. The grief of metal allows for appropriate emotion and its process with the ability to move onward. The fear of water becomes wisdom in decision making and where to apply willpower. 

Disclaimer: Acupuncture treatments are not recommended for patients who suffer from a blood clotting disorder or are taking blood thinners. If you have received BOTOX® injections,, acupuncture treatment could be delayed. Please notify your practitioner.  Rare, minor side effects after treatment include temporary dizziness, nausea, cold sweats, and a bit of facial discomfort.

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